Kalevala World™
Based on the oldest oral tradition and story-universe in Europe, rooted in the Ice Age, the KALEVALA WORLD™ brand offers timeless Wisdom of Nature to our modern world.
“When modern science declares that Nature is on the brink of collapsing, these ancient stories have the power to turn the wheel of time toward a new Golden Age.” – Veli-Heikki Uusitupa, Creator
The company Kalevala World Ltd was founded in 2017 for developing and producing the KALEVALA - Return of The Golden Age TV Drama Series. We are now building the international cooperation team for production, distribution and financing of the Series.
Kalevala World Ltd is a member of Audiovisual Producers Finland (APFI / www.apfi.fi ).
TV Drama Series, based on unique discoveries
“In 25 years of studies, I restored and adapted into modern drama the long-lost story-universe of my ancestors – known as the Kalevala Heritage of Finland - rooted in the Ice Age.
The heritage has been collected from the last Finnish, Karelian and Ingrian poem-singers mainly during the first half of 19th century. The Finnish Literature Society’s Archive have today one of the world’s largest collections of folk poems.
“For the collectors on the 19th century this was like finding the ruins of a long-lost city in the jungle. The last tradition carriers remembered ancient poems – some of them more, some less – but the ancient story-universe had lost much of the core structures of its architecture already long-ago.” – Mr. Uusitupa envisions the poem collectors’ situation.
Photo by: Nico Rissanen
In picture: Veli-Heikki Uusitupa
Veli-Heikki Uusitupa succeeded in restoring the ancient stories by opening the multi-layered meanings of the already scattered poems' symbolic words. These unique discoveries formed later the basis of the KALEVALA – Return of The Golden Age TV Drama Series.
Actors’ first impressions about the KALEVALA TV Drama Series project at Marché du Film Market in Cannes.
Educational Concepts and Game World
The core structures and the architecture of the ancient story-universe included a hidden "sacred language" with more than 100 symbolic words, archetypes, and several paths for learning wisdom.
These findings inspired Veli-Heikki Uusitupa to write the KALEVALA TV Drama Series and create the Kalevala World™ brand and concepts.
Kalevala World™ Concepts
Kalevala Psychology™
Kalevala Leadership™
Kalevala World™ Games